Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Cards Apple replacing Google Maps

Everybody remembers Apple Maps output last year. Mapping service for a long time then became the subject of many jokes and demotivators. It was also reported about a group of four people lost in the Australian desert due to incorrect operation of the cards from Apple. It seems to be a complete and unconditional victory Google Maps , but the numbers tell a different story.

Apologizing for the hack and dismissing the alleged perpetrator, Apple set to work on the bugs. Job faced a heavy, because it was necessary not only to improve myself Apple Maps, but also to fight against the main competitor. After all, just two days after the release of Google Maps on iOS app downloaded by 10 million users.

At that time, the U.S. had 103.6 million registered owners of smartphones on iOS and Android. Of these, 81.1 million preferred to use the services of Google Maps. As can be seen, sneer and criticism of its own users have played against Apple.

However, as of September this year, supporters of the map service from Google left 58.7 million, while the Apple Maps are used by about 35 million people. Just a year Google has managed to lose nearly 23 million customers in the United States. For a company that earns the provision of advertising services, a loss of more than substantial. With about two million people use Google Maps, as corny are unable to update to iOS 6.

The very same search giant refused to comment on the statistics. Company officials only limited statements that information about the number of downloads of the application is confidential, and expressed satisfaction with the quality of their product.

Apple has always been famous for the constant desire to improve their products, both “hardware” and software. Apparently, no exception and Apple Maps. Logically, the first card in the U.S. are improving, and this caused a massive failure of the Americans from Google Maps. Probably in the near future significant improvements can be expected for the maps of European countries.

Cards Apple replacing Google Maps

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