Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Carl Icahn continues to "crush" on Tim Cook - копия

As expected , the other day an American billionaire and major shareholder Carl Icahn Apple for the third time, met with its CEO, Tim Cook. It is reported by CNBC television channel reported citing a statement of the investor.

The meeting discussed the issue of a possible increase in the program to repurchase securities of technology giant. According to Hayk, they turned to Cook “productive conversation”, and they both believe that Apple is seriously undervalued in the securities market. He also noted that Cook is not looking interested in spending $ 150 billion for these purposes – that this amount Karl voiced in a recent letter to CEO Apple.

In the past year, Apple has finally decided to spend $ 10 billion to buy back its own shares, and after a few months has increased the size of the program to $ 60 billion. In this case, more $ 100 billion company plans to spend on the payment of dividends to its shareholders. Icahn believes these actions are insufficient and asks to allocate all available funds to repurchase shares of Apple as soon as possible.

The investor makes every effort to be perceived as a “good Samaritan”: making bold predictions in regard to the course of the securities Apple (up to $ 1,250 each) and declares its intention not to sell shares of the corporation from Cupertino, since he believes in its future . Here are just a reputation Aikan overtakes him for at least a couple of quarters.

At one time, had the reputation of billionaire corporate raider, who first “concern” about the shareholders, and then bought back a large stake in a company, to then be able to put pressure on its leadership. In parallel with this, he shall trade was “greenmail” – forcing the company to buy its own shares at highly inflated price, and not honest means. Icahn invests in a dozen technology companies, but for one year two of them (Dell and BlackBerry ) announced his retirement from the stock exchange.

It is possible that in the case of the Apple Charles decided to act on its old scheme. Tim Cook is playing for time and does not want to answer investor sharp refusal, as this can result in serious consequences. Failure to meet their demands Icahn wants to enlist the support of other shareholders and go to campus Apple «with pitchforks and torches” .

Not so long ago, the billionaire increased his stake in Apple to 0.5%, equivalent to 4.73 million shares, or $ 2.5 billion at current exchange rate of the company.

Aikan another statement about “underestimating» Apple caused a small stir in the market – on Tuesday Securities Corporation rose four dollars, but then fell again. - копия

Very interesting what the outcome of this whole story.

Carl Icahn continues to "crush" on Tim Cook

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