Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Apple wants to ban selling iPhone

Apple is actively involved in patent wars around the world, though with mixed results . “Victim” of the technology giant become his main competitors (eg, Samsung), and small companies that use certain technologies corporation. However, another lawsuit against Apple for patent is not on wireless technologies – under the threat posed her the honorary title of creator of iPhone.

According to news agency Bloomberg, three and a half years ago, the company NetAirus Technologies LLC has filed for Apple in federal court in Los Angeles to ban the sale of all generations of iPhone. The plaintiff refers to the patent, dated 1997, which describes the symbiosis of mobile phone and computer – a smartphone. Apple has rejected all allegations against him.

The technology, which is mentioned in the lawsuit, was already well known before, when NetAirus has applied for a patent. While independent observers patent just used this company to restrict the flow of illegal patents, – said the representative of Apple.

It is strange that the owner of the patent in the first place addressed the claims against Apple. Among the devices that produce its competitors also have smartphones, and very high quality. Based on the logic of Representatives NetAirus, the court must prohibit the sale of smartphones of all manufacturers around the world or force them to pay us a royalty for every smartphone released. Agree, it’s not just sounds silly and absurd.

During the presentation of the first iPhone in 2007, Steve Jobs said that this was a completely new product “as follows patented.” Why did not the company filed for Apple to court earlier, immediately after the release, if the similarity with its smartphone technology was so obvious? Pat has more than 16 years.

Rather, we are dealing with yet another patent “troll” who decided to take a very high bar. Only I can not help feeling that it’s not enough time or money. And judging by the fact that things have started to consider the court after three and a half years after the submission of the application process is complete a very long time. It is unlikely that the verdict would be against Apple. In the extreme case, it is Barack Obama .

Apple wants to ban selling iPhone

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