Friday, October 4, 2013

Published photos of "smart" watches Nokia

‘Smart’ watches are experiencing a rebirth: his version of the electronic bracelet and represent the leading manufacturers of electronics, and independent software vendors that gather funding for its projects in kraudfandingovyh sites.

Today the Internet “lighted” snapshot “smart” watches of the Finnish Nokia. It has already appeared information that the company together with Microsoft is developing a similar gadget.

There are some doubts as to the authenticity of the photos – especially questions is designed device. At the same time, analysts say, the pictures can be depicted one of the early prototypes of the new devaysa Nokia.

Recall Smart Watch is not so long ago introduced the Samsung. Watch Galaxy Gear, declared to be an essential companion smartphones and tablets, have been criticized by journalists for “slow and buggy interface” and unreasonably high price. According to unofficial data, prepares its own version of the gadget and Apple.

Published photos of "smart" watches Nokia

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