Friday, October 4, 2013

Samsung HomeSync connect phones and tablets Galaxy line to your TV

Until now, owners of smartphones and tablets from Samsung could get information from their gadgets only on TVs from Samsung, which support this feature. For everyone else, until today this possibility remained inaccessible.

But now share the contents of your phone can anyone, regardless of the TV. Samsung introduced mobile Samsung HomeSync Media Center, which allows you to transmit and display any data on the big screen, but also be able to store all the information on the hard drive of 1 TB. Total users can create 8 different accounts to separate work and the protection of information, if necessary.

Also console provides the ability to share content with friends, and still you can view photos and videos that made ​​the discovery by other users – all on your TV.

Samsung HomeSync will cost $ 299 and is expected to be released on October 6. There is one important limitation – prefix will only work with mobile devices Samsung.

Samsung HomeSync connect phones and tablets Galaxy line to your TV

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