Monday, May 12, 2014

People are tired of small diagonals

It is no secret that almost the greatest number of differences between the fans and iPhone devices running our favorite operating system Android arises on the basis of the size of the display. Kupertinovsky flagship , recall, still has a 4-inch screen, while smartphones with green robot inside a 5-inch displays and more. One of the most common arguments supporters of Apple in this case are the physical data of the person to say: hands in adults over the years do not become larger, and therefore increasing the size of gadgets makes no sense. But is it really? Apparently not.

The best proof of loss of interest to smaller diagonals are not stories of lovers of any brand, or smartphone sales statistics, no. We are talking about the service trade-in, the meaning of which is to share the current device to a new one. Naturally, with an additional charge.

Judge for yourself: the man who dares to use this service, not only wants to quickly get a novelty, but also willing to make some sacrifices for the sake of it. Still, the market value of smartphones and at such a rapid exchange of several of them. Accordingly, it is necessary to search for patterns of changes of human tastes and habits.

The current flagship of the South Korean company Samsung, recall, went on sale about a month ago. It would seem that potential users with the greatest desire should have long ago turned into actual and interest in novelty, respectively, decrease. In fact the situation is somewhat different. Galaxy S5 managed to become the most desirable device as before the start of sales and one of the most sought after.

According to statistics, courtesy of our foreign colleagues from BGR, almost one in five (21.2 percent) of mobile technology lover declares soon wish to exchange on the fifth iteration of the “Galaxy”. The latest generation of smartphones from Apple is lagging behind. Win iPhone 5s takes 13 percent.

By the way, the big screen is not a guarantee of popularity among buyers. At the same time, for example, do not forget about a decent camera. Perhaps for this reason, the proportion wishing to exchange their current smartphone HTC One M8, with whom we have already managed to meet , not exceed 5 percent.

And that is the deciding factor when choosing a gadget for you?

People are tired of small diagonals

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