Thursday, May 15, 2014

Google Glass are available to all in the U.S.

Google is slowly but surely continues to move his vision of smart points to the masses. Most recently, the company held a one-day action when any citizen of the United States could buy a copy of Google Glass, provided that he had turned 18. And starting today, all stocks of points available in warehouses, will go on sale in bulk.

Despite the fact that Google Glass can now buy almost anyone, the project is still in beta mode, and the price is what keeps all the same extremely high at $ 1500, significantly higher than the cost price. Personally, I think that the high price – an artificial instrument to limit the demand for yet nefinalny product and all the “Explorer” who have spent their money and take part in the beta testing of the product, Google will reward in the form of buns or even providing free konsyumerskoy final version of the product .

Honestly, I still have a lot of doubts about the future of Glass, I even presented on our website, but expanding audience testers, Google is definitely making the right move. I would suggest that at the upcoming Google I / O points will show off for more than three quarters of visitors, and we shall probably have to wait for the influx of Google Glass in our online stores at prices around $ 3,000.

Google Glass are available to all in the U.S.

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