Wednesday, November 6, 2013

IPad Air users complain of irregular yellowing of the screen

Some owners of the latest tablet iPad Air discovered a “defect of the unit’s display.” According to the official forum Apple, screens some specimens have a yellow tint, and is reported to have been uneven.

This is especially obvious when comparing the iPad Air to its predecessor, iPad 4. Notice some motion blur of color and contrast. Argues that the defect is the origin of the hardware and can not be corrected by changing the settings or updating the firmware. The only solution is to replace the screen or tablet whole.

We hasten to reassure readers MacDigger: such a “problem” has been found in many other Apple products at an early stage of manufacture. Model so quickly wanted to put on the market, which is still “still hot from previous” assembly made itself felt symptoms of yellow glue residue on the screen. Subsequently, according to users, this defect disappeared by itself. Most likely, it will be so in this case.

How does it look, seen in the photo below:

Supplier of displays for the iPad Air act Samsung, Sharp and LG. Apple has not reported any defects in LCD panels from the tablet.

IPad Air users complain of irregular yellowing of the screen

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