Thursday, November 7, 2013

Google YouTube comments tied to Google+

Developers of the popular YouTube video kept their word and started to implement a new comment system, which was reported six weeks ago .

Starting this week, commenting on the YouTube system will be changed beyond recognition. From now on, all comments on YouTube will be sorted by relevance, not by date of publication. In YouTube hope that in this way they will be able to restore order in the comments and make them more meaningful.

Relying on multiple criteria, a new commenting system will output quality responses on top. It also notes that YouTube users will be able on its own to maintain order in a particular video you posted comments. To do this, they will be given new tools.

On top of other comments from now on will show the video owner, his friends in Google+, as well as answers left by other popular on YouTube users. The new system also considers “good” and a taller comments that collect a lot of answers.

It is worth noting that YouTube does not force users to use the new comment system and leaves them a choice. However, since that time to leave a comment on YouTube, you need to necessarily have an account with Google+.

According to YouTube, the vast majority (four of five), which often leave comments on YouTube, have synchronized their accounts YouTube and Google+. Sync with Google+ account also allows users to discuss specific video in narrow circles. New rules for commenting on YouTube come into force from today.

Google YouTube comments tied to Google+

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