Thursday, November 7, 2013

Designed exoskeleton force increasing the user's hands

A group of students from the University of Pennsylvania (University of Pennsylvania) has developed an exoskeleton called Titan Arm. This device allows you to increase the overall strength of the hands of its bearer.

Titan Arm exoskeleton worn on the user’s back and attached to his hands. about using motors on the target device is the effort, which increases the user lifts the weight up to 40 pounds (18.1 kg). Power is supplied from the battery. Development of three students won the competition James Dyson Award, for which they received a cash prize of $ 45 million These funds are used to improve the prototype exoskeleton and registration of patents for the design.

As the industrial designer James Dyson (James Dyson), Titan Arm is different enough original design. At the same time, young researchers used a modern, fast enough and cheap manufacturing technology solutions, making the project even more valuable.

A prototype Titan Arm is still far from a commercial product. However, the students hope that in the future they will develop a common tool for patients with back injuries and workers of delivery services.

Designed exoskeleton force increasing the user's hands

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