Thursday, October 3, 2013

New renderings of the golden iPad mini

Name Martin Hadzheka recently becoming more and more popular. The merit of this man is that, thanks to his talent, we get Martin to create incredibly realistic concepts for future products from Apple, which is sometimes difficult to distinguish from photographs. The designer sat down again, “the pen” and tried to guess how it will look continuation of the line iPad mini.

According to Martin, Apple is fully capable to do with the iPad just like with the iPhone, that is, at the same time introduce two models with different endings – s, and c. Accordingly, iPad mini s will come in a metal case, and the available colors sure to find the place of gold. In the case of the iPhone 5s gold color was a win-win solution – the price of smartphones Gold color is noticeably higher than in the classic colors, although the results of our voting turned out that our readers are much more interesting gray-black model.

However, and a plastic plate is theoretically possible to give the green light in spite of the fact that the plastic embodiment smartphone large rush not caused. If this does happen, and we’ll see iPad mini c in five different colors, it’s waiting for us like this.

Be that as it may, take such ideas designer, we would recommend that a considerable degree of skepticism. No one really knows what’s going on in the labs of Cupertino , and that will eventually be presented to the team of Tim Cook. Yet the idea of ​​separation of iPad mini to the metal and plastic model looks at least worthy of discussion.

New renderings of the golden iPad mini

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