Thursday, October 3, 2013

Google bought the application developer for gesture recognition Flutter

In augmented reality glasses Google Glass, Android and other products the search giant could soon appear more Kinect-like functionality.

Implement its plans by Google to help develop a startup Flutter, founded with the support of the venture fund Y Combinator, which now joins a growing list of acquisitions the search giant. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but given the cost – about $ 40 million

The first and only product Flutter is an application which allows you to track and recognize gestures with devices equipped with a webcam.

Flutter company confirmed the deal and said that is not going to stop existing developments. Currently the application is available in the Flutter Mac App Store.

It should be noted that in the first two weeks of the availability of the application Flutter in the Mac App Store, it downloaded more than 1 million users. Of the 90 countries in which it has been available in 14 Flutter almost immediately became the first in the list of the most popular.

For August, the developer planned to announce a new product, and there is now a clear reason why it was delayed. It is possible that it was a Windows-version of the application or Flutter extended version, aimed at owners of the Mac.

Google bought the application developer for gesture recognition Flutter

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