Friday, October 4, 2013

Competitor Apple TV from Amazon allows you to run games and applications

Amazon plans to release later this year set-top box for streaming entertainment content and games. It is expected that in the U.S., the device under the code Cinnamon should go on sale to the pre-Christmas season retail sales boom.

Set-top box displays the Amazon online retailer to a new market for it commercial television, which developed in the United States is strong enough and the competition here is high. At the same time, the company has obviously made a bet on Internet broadcasting, so with full cable and satellite TV operators there is still no competition. The gadget will work on the Kindle-like software, and will be primarily focused on existing users of services retailer, as well as commercial users bonus program Amazon Prime.

This initiative Amazon – this is another attempt of the company to go beyond its traditional market for computers and tablets, more broadly based in consumers’ homes. Moreover, such a set-top box – this is for Amazon another distribution channel paid content in addition to computers and the “reader» Kindle.

Cinnamon is focused precisely on broadcasting content, but not its injection with subsequent reproduction. Cost of consoles is still unknown, but given the competing solutions, it should be sold in the range of $ 50 to $ 99. In addition, the use of the product will assume the conclusion of a service contract with the choice of tariff plan, similar to the packages of satellite or cable TV.

It is assumed that Cinnamon can start the game. This is important, because the iOS-games can be displayed on a large TV screen via Apple TV and AirPlay – iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch are the controller and the optional display.

Competitor Apple TV from Amazon allows you to run games and applications

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