Thursday, April 16, 2015

The French created the hunter on the drones

The French created the hunter on the drones

In recent years, Paris was faced with an unusual problem. French capital flooded anonymous drones. It is not always clear who controls the apparatus. Machinery circling dangerously close to attractions, government buildings and even nuclear power plants.

Not surprisingly, the local authorities decided to design “the hunter on the drones”. And can track down careless owners.

Responded to the appeal of the company’s engineers ECA. They managed to develop a pretty effective system based on military IT180. Beautiful “name” of the model is not, but it is functioning properly.

When the sky appears undesirable UAV, the novelty begins pursuit. Returns this to the starting point, take photos of the host and sends the coordinates of the police.

The French created the hunter on the drones

As a result – delay operator in the act.

Technical details were not disclosed. However, the test project – according to representatives of ECA – were successful. Detection of “hooligans” in a radius of 700 meters takes less than a minute.

Source: Engadget

The French created the hunter on the drones

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