Saturday, April 4, 2015

History of the Apple Watch

History of the Apple Watch

Each device has its own origin story, but that’s not what the public usually hear, especially from the huge and immaculate companies such as Apple. However, there comes a new era of the company Apple, where media sharing personal stories, and readers get an idea of how the creation of a product from scratch.

Apple Watch, as reported by the portal Wired, originally consisted of the iPhone, which was attached to the wrist by a fastening Velcro. All that was at that time – and the idea of an iPod: neither the software nor the device itself. Apple kept its plans for hours in secret almost half a decade, although it is not easy in a world where technology leaks are commonplace.

On his first time a former employee of Adobe, criticized in his time Apple, and a brilliant developer Kevin Lynch would be presented to the whole team led by Johnny Ayvom, who was working on a revolutionary device that is worn on the wrist. Surprisingly, Lynch did not say what exactly it will work at Apple. Then he learned that the experts do not have time to maturity: two days later it was necessary to agree on a draft of the project. Lynch got quite a clear signal: to make the idea of the product. The device was supposed to be “insanely great”. Do not forget that this is the first product that was created without Steve Jobs. The idea of creating a device occurred Quince shortly after Jobs’ death in October 2011.

After long hours spent in studying the irresistible Swiss watchmaking, art and design team created the first prototype of its smart hours. It was so absurd that it is difficult to imagine. The first hours of Apple were actually iPhone with Velcro fasteners. Of course, it was a “very beautifully designed strap with Velcro,” says Lynch portal Wired.

History of the Apple Watch

With the first emulator software for Apple Watch team came up with a system of “views” (option «glance»), scroll wheel and the interaction of digital crown Force Touch. The team set itself two main objectives: to ensure that the interaction with the clock, we can confine ourselves to 5-10 seconds and help users to “get rid” of their iPhone-s. A little ironic to recall at this looked like the first prototype Apple Watch.

“We are very related to the technology,” says Lynch reporters portal Wired. “People spend much time with their smartphones, constantly glancing at the screen of the phone.”

Team modifies each interaction to simplify the user experience, but for this they need to make the software more intelligent and more contextual than iOS. Application for reading posts was to allow the wearer to quickly view the message and give options for a quick answer. Voice control should be fast and accurate as dictation messages.

The article provides a shining example of how Apple has been able to turn the “intelligent interaction” option, in Short, Look («a glance”). Vibration on your wrist tells you that you come to a text message. You shake your wrist and learn from someone coming from. If you are not important, you slowly lower your wrist downward to ignore it. However, if you want to read a message right now, shake your wrist again, and a message appears on the full screen.

The team also worked on the mechanism of different types of vibration, touch to create alerts for different types of notifications. Ive has been interested in this aspect of the work device.

Source: DigitalTrends

History of the Apple Watch

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