Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Presentation Apple: what everyone has been waiting for and that what never dreamed

Presentation Apple: what everyone has been waiting for and that what never dreamed

Apple care about our health, futuristic laptop with a single port and the announcement of hours that everyone and everything are known – Raqwe brings detailed results of the event called Spring Forward.

Six months ago, everything went very quickly: in the second minute premiere of Tim Cook brought to the screen slide with iPhone and iPhone 6 6 Plus, then briefly talked about what they are wonderful and went to the Apple Watch. Something similar was expected now, but everyone who waited for this day only due to clever hours, had to miss almost an hour.

Presentation developing quite slowly – in the best traditions of Apple. At first we were pleased about the history of the Apple TV, which became cheaper by $ 30 ($ 69 instead of 99). Naturally,  bosses could not bind a discount to any event. Now this event was an agreement with HBO (provider, with the most popular series – for example, “Game of Thrones”): the owners will be able to set-top boxes for $ 15 a month to get access to a solid base of video content. Russian users, this will not affect (we have our own “Mediate”), but taking into account the value of the dollar, the price of the new Apple TV looks good.

Presentation Apple: what everyone has been waiting for and that what never dreamed

Also in the opening Spring Forward Apple has traditionally appealed to the figures: we were told to sell 700 million iPhone (in total – all generations for 8 years) and rapid growth of institutions where supported by Apple Pay (in the US such points already 700 thousand). By year end, Coca-Cola equips the gauge to its vending machines for drinks, and then the system will add another 100 thousand units. Another important aspect of policy Apple – access to the Chinese market, where the Americans compete with local brands. Center for the Arts Yerba Buena Tim Cook reported on 21 official stores in China (around the world their 453, and for the last quarter in all Apple Stores was visited 120 million people).


Duty Cook on topic and CarPlay HomeKit does not make any impression. Apple CEO just confirmed that all major car brands (without names) have already agreed to integrate into their products system CarPlay, and HomeKit (smart home) is already changing people’s lives for the better. How exactly – is not yet known.

After that, it seemed, it was time to stand on stage clock, but the spotlight was Apple’s vice president Jeff Williams, who talked about health and medicine. Jeff agreed that research in the field of serious diseases is very slow: according to a top manager, it is partly due to the reluctance of people (volunteers) to take part in the diagnosis.

Now, using the system ResearchKit, iPhone transformed into a medical device. Ordinary smartphone (plus, as appropriate, Bluetooth-accessories) help to identify at an early stage Parkinson’s disease, breast cancer, and other complex diseases. However, the mechanism for determining Parkinson’s disease, demonstrated at the presentation, makes one think about the measurement error. All diagnostics occurs directly with the iPhone in the form of answers to questions, so it is obvious that the verdict will be true not 100 per cent. All data are stored on the server (by itself, confidential – even Apple can not see them) and iPhone owners have contributed to the invention of drugs for serious diseases.

This innovation (already added in iOS five medical applications, and complete work on ResearchKit starts in April) Apple gained a lot of whilst: observers and analysts pointed out that the company cares not only about its own profits and sales, but also about the future of humanity. It is not surprising that right during the presentation, Apple shares promptly flew up.

MacBook. Just MacBook

Roller with a new 12-inch laptop appeared on screen in San Francisco at the very moment when the talk about health a little fed up. Go get a sudden: more minute ago, we broadcast a Bluetooth-dose inhalers for determining asthma, and now video spinning the sexiest laptop on the planet. Soon the protagonist of the evening was on the scene – of course, in the safe hands of Tim Cook. The new MacBook looks so stunning that even before the end of the presentation on the Russian twitter started walking the meme: photograph with the caption – “Carry your money.”

Presentation Apple: what everyone has been waiting for and that what never dreamed

Rumors about the 12-inch MacBook began his walk across the network more year and a half ago were even talks that the screen on such a device will certainly touch. The truth became clear only at the beginning of this year. Major changes compared to the previous rulers MacBook (Air and Pro) exactly two. First – there is so broad framework around the perimeter of the display and keyboard. The second – in 12-inch laptop, is only two inputs for headphones and for everything else.

At the March ceremony all confirmed. Traditional silver was replaced by three (like the iPhone – dark gray, silver, gold), and an apple on the lid forever extinguished (it’s sad for those who like to sit in a coffee shop with a MacBook and soulful face). With broad framework, we said goodbye, with connectors for USB and memory card – too. Went to the cemetery and magnetic input for charging (MagSafe). Instead of just that – a single connector USB Type-C on the side face. Apple insists that soon everything will be wireless, and we did not notice the loss, but the adapter (standard USB) for $ 80 at the Apple Store appeared immediately after the presentation. In The Verge noted absolutely true: it is a notebook of the future, not the present.

Keypad and other changes

The new MacBook got a different keyboard than previous generations. The mechanism responsible for key presses, made by technology “butterfly” and not on the technology “scissors”. In practice, this means a clear course of keys, but journalists have already tested a novelty, complained that the recruitment is done slightly unusual. But there is clearly a useful change – LED-illumination for each key: the light is distributed much more evenly.

In touchpad added technology Force Touch, senses the force pressing. With it, you can rewind the video, just pushing the touchpad is a little harder. Other highlights – a gesture Force Click, in fact replaces pressing the right mouse button. By the way, Apple so imbued with the idea Force, which modernized the touchpad and in the “old» MacBook Pro, giving them at the same time processors Core i5 / i7 5th generation.

Presentation Apple: what everyone has been waiting for and that what never dreamed

The third key feature – the screen. He became predictable “retinoic” received permission 2304h1440 points. The thickness of the display – just 0.88 millimeters, and the power consumption is 30% less than the previous model. Although, in fact, no “previous” models do not exist – we compare with the MacBook Air, which is, nevertheless, a slightly different product. For example, the thickness of the shell in the new MacBook is 24% lower than that of Air: 13,1 mm (with a weight of 900 grams) to 17 mm (with a weight of 1080 grams). Johnny Ive also noted that the 12-inch (diagonal no other will not) MacBook for the first time no plastic, only metal: from the same Air, for example, there was an entire strip of plastic.

CPU, RAM, battery

For the first time in the history of Apple MacBook presented without cooler: on Twitter and Facebook are already burning debate about whether the new cool. The main board is almost no space inside the case: almost all the space given to the batteries, the shape of which now follows the curve of the laptop. Responsible for the performance processor Intel Core M (accelerates from 1.3 GHz to 2.9 GHz), and the amount of RAM is 8 GB without the possibility of an upgrade.

According to the autonomy of the 12-inch MacBook closer to the iPad, than to the MacBook Pro: to 9 hours of surfing the Web, and 10 – in the video playback. In any case, for such a phenomenal rate dimensions: not in vain in the slides switched pictures of people who simply took MacBook to any place, laid out on his knees and continued to work / fun. Perhaps this is the promise of Apple wanted to convey that the 12-inch gadget mobile as a tablet, but functional as a laptop.

Prices and impressions

Naive dreams of 999 dollars for a minimal version was far from life. The standard version will cost in 1299 dollars (100 thousand) and a top (with 512 GB of internal memory) – in 1599 dollars (123 thousand). Release date – April 10. On the same day can be pre-ordered Apple Watch, to get them two weeks later, on April 24. Russia, of course, the list of countries “first wave” was not included.

This MacBook was created in order to give rise to debate. On the one hand – an excellent design, outstanding screen, unprecedented compactness and a very good autonomy. On the other – not the most powerful processor, the inability to add another 8 GB of RAM, and (most importantly!) The only port USB-C. Use of an adapter destroys the beauty and sends us straight to the year 2009, so you should think hard before buying this seductive device.

Apple Watch. We never knew

Hours of Cupertino considered the most anticipated in 2015: this is the status and killed the whole affair. We previously knew that Tim Cook will remember their favorite adjectives (unbelievable and incredible), which must appear on the stage somebody from the outside and that the main focus will be on software for smart hours. As a result, a moment of glory was the top model named Christy Turlington, ran a half-marathon (21 kilometers) from Apple Watch on wrist watch functions were limited to fixing the parameters of the organism. Christie will now be blogging on the site Apple (wondering whether it will be popular). Curiously, the conversation Turlington and Cook The Verge called a failure in the spirit of Samsung: all replicas were too formulaic and well-rehearsed, so the dialog was artificial.

Presentation Apple: what everyone has been waiting for and that what never dreamed

On the possibilities of Apple Watch, Tim Cook told consistently enough. He showed the audience dials (Mickey Mouse all applauded), boasted the ability to send mini figure other holders Watch (it is not clear why this is necessary), and enthusiastically shared his childhood dream. It was found that the age of 5 Cook dreamed of having his watches has become a means of communication in the spy style. A dream come true: a Watch is quite possible to answer calls.

Then he came on the scene, Kevin Lynch with a detailed report to the developers. Kevin brought to a terminal, shop hours (thanks, Apple Pay), then stopped on social networks (Twitter feed and Instagram thumbed through without incident) and focused on other applications. For example, owners can enjoy hours of taxi Uber, without taking the smartphone, open the door to the hotel via NFC and recognize music mini-version of Shazam. At the premiere, it all looked like something auxiliary and optional: no one has explained why the watch is more convenient than a smartphone if the smartphone comes with more functions.

Probably, the answer recently voiced respondents publication TechCrunch: getting used to the clock, you are distracted only important notifications and much less likely to remove the iPhone from his pocket. If you believe the insider information, the developers were asked to reduce the number of notifications to a minimum to allow users a real time saver, not continually distracted by the vibration of hours.

With fitness functionality too full order: You can choose a sport to measure the pulse on the go and even pick up his training program. Last trick works like this: Monday Watch analyzes your activity in the previous week and make a plan to burn calories / distance traveled. Undoubtedly, with the release of smart watches on sale worth waiting for a sharp rise in popularity of sports applications. Interestingly, all the programs installed on Watch through the App Store with iPhone: it could be called a disadvantage, but the minus is not critical – all the same accessory and so is permanently connected to the smartphone.

Prices and impressions

March 9, we received an answer to only one of the two main questions about Apple Watch. 18 hours – so much will keep the charge of this gadget. More Cook said nothing: so charging times of standby time remains a mystery. Alas, about whether it is possible to swim in the Apple Watch, we have not notified. The inscription «Water Resistant» on the official website indicates that the shower is allowed to walk in hours, but in the pool – no.

Variation in prices by the standards of Apple truly unprecedented. The simplest version of the Watch Sport (aluminum, 38 mm) will cost $ 349 while the most expensive watches put a price tag of close to 17 thousand dollars. Generally, the value of gold Watch starts with a mark of 10 thousand dollars, and many are already predicting the emergence of a new kind of jewelry business transformation hours cheap premium. The most optimal version Watch – Regular Edition, made of steel. For the version with the body 42 millimeters, Apple is asking $ 599 (38 millimeters – less than $ 50). For each option, Johnny I’ve presented at the two-minute video about just how durable and reliable material housing trends (and steel, and aluminum, and even gold). Naturally, gold Watch will be sold only in select stores Apple.

Presentation Apple: what everyone has been waiting for and that what never dreamed

In two presentations very difficult to make global conclusions about the long-awaited accessory, but overall prospect sees Apple Watch this: if people adapt to new conditions and stop studded screens in smartphones, you can congratulate Corporation of Cupertino with the next revolution – first we chose freedom and given the dependence on gadgets, and now we’ll straighten your back and only occasionally glancing at his watch and exercise regularly. If this scenario comes true, Watch remembered as a nice clock with an unusual interface, a weak battery, and a high price. No doubt only that in 2015 will clearly Watch the best selling smart watches on the planet.

Presentation Apple: what everyone has been waiting for and that what never dreamed

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