Wednesday, March 25, 2015

kSafe help get rid of bad habits and achieve a certain goal

kSafe help get rid of bad habits and achieve a certain goal

The gadget, called kSafe, is designed to get rid of bad habits man, saying the owner to carry out certain tasks, achieving its goal.

This gadget monitors user activity, provided pairing it with your smartphone. According to the developers, kSafe can also be useful for those users who wish to achieve a certain goal.

For example, if a person is involved in sports, study, or raising a child, kSafe can help to move in a certain direction.

kSafe help get rid of bad habits and achieve a certain goal

In this kSafe very persistent in efforts to help its owner. The only way to get rid of the aid kSafe – to fulfill the intended purpose or to buy a drill.

Now developers raise funds for the project on Kickstarter.

Source: Kickstarter

kSafe help get rid of bad habits and achieve a certain goal

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