Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Foodini: new 3D printer that can print food

Foodini: new 3D printer that can print food

Company Natural Machines introduced a new type of 3D printer, the purpose of which – to work with food. The printer itself can not cook, he just “print” beautiful dishes from ingredients laid down by the user.

Prior to joining the printer the user is prompted to grind the main components of food, and the resulting mass lay in containers.

In this case, the creators of the printer compare it with the concept of the concept of microwave ovens when they first came out: first, there is resistance to the idea, and then it gets faster recognition device and spreads very quickly in the kitchen in many countries.

Printer, if properly grind the ingredients can “print” a very beautiful dishes, laying them on a plate in the form of geometric shapes.

The estimated price of the gadget – $ 1,300.

Source: NaturalMachines

Foodini: new 3D printer that can print food

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