Saturday, March 21, 2015

Clever bottle of whiskey "speaks" with smartphones

Clever bottle of whiskey "speaks" with smartphones

The company Diageo, a giant in the production of alcoholic beverages and standing behind popular brands Smirnoff and Baileys, merged with electronics Thinfilm Electronics, to develop a Johnnie Walker Blue Label – clever bottle of whiskey.

The prototype is able to provide communication elements of this cleverly-wise bottles to provide producers information about the preferences of consumers, distributors – better track the effectiveness of the action, and consumers – to find out whether all is well with the bottle, if it did not open before you put on the counter and the like.

Set to be shown at Mobile World Congress in the middle of next month, is a semblance of intelligent bottle of whiskey, which is equipped with labels, sensors that help detect if suddenly bottle has been opened prior to purchase, and just when it is open from the date of purchase to explore this option (you never know for suddenly marketers it is interesting to know …). This could give consumers a new and more effective way to find out what products are authentic and no one broke his integrity.

Sensors are the embodiment of technology Near Field Communication (abbr. – NFC), which allows distributors to monitor the movement of the bottle through the supply chain and opens up new marketing opportunities, connecting bottle compatible with NFC smartphones users.

The application allows you not only to analyze the product and its authenticity, but also to receive updates on the latest promotions and offers, so as not to waste time searching for profitable options, and come exactly at the specified location and buy interesting drink. It would be convenient, you see, especially during the pre-holiday rush to get this insider himself.

“The thin film enables intelligent bottles carry the digital information that can be accessed via smartphones NFC», says CEO of Thinfilm, Devor Sutidzha.

Source: Eater

Clever bottle of whiskey "speaks" with smartphones

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