Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Apple has officially become a new car manufacturer

Apple has officially become a new car manufacturer

Apple officially became a manufacturer of automobiles and vehicles of other types, as well as electronics and accessories. This follows from the updated legal documents of the Swiss branch of the company.

In documents describing the scope of activities of the Swiss branch of Apple, officially included the production of cars and other vehicles, said local technology ApfelBlog. The application for the addition of new categories of products was performed at the request of Apple Legal Agency Baker & McKenzie. Documents were issued by the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, which regulates not only patent rights, but also trademarks (link).

According to documents in the economic activities of the Swiss branch of Apple (by analogy with the NACE in Russian) include the production of automobiles; cars, traveling by land, air and water; electronic components for motor vehicles; railcars and locomotives; anti-theft devices; car alarms; bicycles; golf carts; wheelchairs; compressors; motorcycles; parts and components to these goods.

Foreign media almost unanimously said that this fact – another confirmation of Apple desire to reach a new market of itself, the market vehicles.

“Apple officially wants to be a car manufacturer,” – writes Cult of Mac.

In early February, 2015 edition of Business Insider reported that Apple is working about 50 former engineers Tesla, engaged in the development and production of electric vehicles. Later, Bloomberg reported that Apple about 200 such people.

A few days before the publication Business Insider appeared on the Internet photos recorded on Apple unknown vehicle. Seen in the vicinity of San Francisco (California, USA), he drew attention to the reason that was equipped with cameras and specialized equipment used to determine the distance to objects. The same equipment, for example, installed on cars with Google autonomous control.

In February against Apple, lawsuit was filed by Massachusetts A123 Systems, which was charged with luring employees. A123 Systems specializes in the development of batteries for electric vehicles. According to the lawsuit documents, Apple lured five employees. The company is also trying to involve the project staff of the companies LG Chem, Samsung Electronics, Panasonic, Toshiba, and Johnson Controls, told the plaintiff.

Talking about the number of employees at Apple engineers former Tesla, the agency Bloomberg, citing informed sources, reported that Apple is going to release an electric approximately in 2020. This target is ambitious, given that the company is not much time.

But Apple may release the car and not your own. According to the American entrepreneur Jason Calacanis (Jason Calacanis), the company can simply buy a Tesla. The expert believes that an appropriate announcement will be followed for 18 months, and the transaction amount will be $ 75 billion.

Source: Apfelblog

Apple has officially become a new car manufacturer

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