Monday, February 23, 2015

Wearable new sensor determines the carrier of the Ebola virus

Wearable new sensor determines the carrier of the Ebola virus

Wearable electronics and modern technologies used by physicians may be the future of Virology. For example, virologists can use a body-worn sensors, such AmpStrip, as a detector of the Ebola virus epidemic which continues in Africa.

After mounting the device on the arm is able to measure the skin temperature, blood oxygen, pulse, and respiration rate. All the data sensor transmits via Bluetooth to a mobile device with a pre-application. In turn, the software analyzes the data and reports the specialist if all ok with the inspected person.

New sensor can be a new early warning system

In this case, the doctors conducting the test, almost not at risk of infection. In addition Ebola, such sensors can detect and the presence of other disease-causing organisms, plus detect the presence of chronic diseases.

At present, such a sensor developed by Dr. Steven Steynhablom (Steven Steinhubl) of the Scripps Translational Science Institute. According to the plan, all data obtained by the sensor will be stored in the “cloud,” and, if necessary, removed from storage for a couple of seconds. Most likely, the data will be personalized to was binding to a specific person.

The new sensor can be a new early warning system in areas where there are periodic epidemics of dangerous diseases.

Wearable new sensor determines the carrier of the Ebola virus

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