Thursday, February 5, 2015

USB-cable Black Rhodium Star USB: Black Rhodium provides updated information

USB-cable Vlack Rhodium Star USB: Vlack Rhodium provides updated information

A few years ago it was difficult to find an alternative to cheap staffing cord that came with the manufacturers or DAC Headphone Amplifier (sometimes quite expensive) with USB-in. Meanwhile, the first audition convinced us that the sad phenomenon concerning the dependence of the sound of digital audio interfaces from the connector remains relevant, despite the fact that the information is transmitted via USB quite differently. We shared our experiences with Graham Nolte Vlack of Rhodium and after a few years the company has released a USB-cables own design.

Simple solutions…

In addition to better conductor materials, screen and connector, the company used two simple technology. Mechanical damping vibrations that occur when using audio and transmitted to charge USB-receiver and DAC supplemented by radio interference filters at both ends of the wires – they prevent the passage of high-frequency interference from the computer to the DAC.

Overview of USB-cable Vlack Rhodium Star USB: Vlack Rhodium provides updated information

Cable Vlack Rhodium Star comes with a length of 1, 1.5 or 2 m

… often work

Yes, and no matter what file format you’re playing on a PC. The difference is significant even in comparison with a very stout, but significantly cheaper cable Supra USB, not to mention the usual computer cords.

Scherzo of Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony significantly benefit from more accurate placement of rhythmic and dynamic accents Orchestra under Valery Gergiev ceases to seem machine that constantly puts on an icy road. “Requiem” by Mozart in DSD format takes the drama and scale due to the excellent study of the bass, and improvements in the lower middle and top allow clearer chorus come out from the back room to the stage. But most importantly, you do not hear, and feel – lost some internal tension, listen to music easier and more joyful.

When the game is worth the candle

Depends on how much your DAC or headphone amplifier. If it is equipped with modern USB-receiver, but despite this, via USB, unlike SPDIF, plays “as something not very” best buy Vlack Rhodium, than to change the unit itself.

USB-cable (AB) Vlack Rhodium Star USB 1,5 m

Price: $ 225

Pros: better sound in all significant aspects: accuracy, rhythm, dynamics; becomes easier to listen to music

Cons: None, but if you’re a sysadmin, your confusion about the price we can understand

Verdict: Will your USB-DAC tune to a whole new level

USB-cable Black Rhodium Star USB: Black Rhodium provides updated information

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