Sunday, February 8, 2015

Some of the most new interesting concepts smart glasses Google Glass

Some of the most new interesting concepts smart glasses Google Glass

You may have heard that Google is clearly doing something wrong with the project Google Glass, which is why it has lost its popularity. As a result, the search giant is going to do a complete redesign and rethinking of the device. Against this background, we came across a selection of concepts Google Glass from different designers from all over the world.

Concept studio Sourcebits

Some of the most new interesting concepts smart glasses Google Glass

Team design bureau Sourcebits has built a classic eyeglass frame elements of Google Glass – for example, the battery is located in the left arc accessory, memory – on the right, and the display is integrated directly into the lens.

Concept Nickolay Lamm

Some of the most new interesting concepts smart glasses Google Glass

Designer glasses designed by Nicholas Lamm Google as an integrated aluminum arc.

Concept Jonas Denera

Some of the most new interesting concepts smart glasses Google Glass

German designer Jonas Dener arranged elements Google Glass in aluminum-framed glasses. The concept implies the possibility of easy replacement of individual parts.

Concept Federico Chikaresa

Some of the most new interesting concepts smart glasses Google Glass

The publication Business Insider has asked designer Federico Chikaresa prepare a concept redesign Google Glass. Chikares arranged all the elements of the “smart” glasses on the same arc, and the display is increased to the size of the entire lens. Also, the designer made a standard for Android-smartphone controls the arc points.

Edition provided, however were Google Glass, if the IT giant signed a partnership agreement with popular producer of glasses Ray Ban.

Some of the most new interesting concepts smart glasses Google Glass

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