Sunday, February 1, 2015

Of transparent glasses to sunglasses just one click away

Of transparent glasses to sunglasses just one click away

Of transparent glasses to sunglasses just one click knopkiKak would be great if the lenses of our glasses were able to instantly switch between everyday life and the regime for sunglasses. Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a working prototype of just such points. Photochromic lenses have long been available commercially, but these lenses have a significant drawback. Due to the content in the glass molecules of silver halide, they darken when exposed to sunlight, and this process takes a few minutes. When you lead a car or fly a plane – this delay can be critical for you. Scientists have long been working on a solution to this problem, and that seems to have been found the answer.

Technology developed by researchers from Georgia, is a slightly different approach to the issue. Points can darken and become transparent again almost instantly at the touch of a button. New glasses contain lenses electrochromic polymers, which react to electric current, but not to UV.

In the first working prototype points polymer blend of blue, blue, yellow and orange hues can achieve brown tinted lenses, blocking up to 70% of the incoming light in the eye. Combining between polymers of different colors, you can achieve almost any shading on your taste. The most important thing in this technology – an incredibly fast speed detection mechanism blackout. It takes only a couple of seconds.

These points will require them to a power source that can act as a tiny battery. This is not such a big disadvantage when it comes to people face daily with the need to protect their eyes from bright backlight. The researchers are already negotiating with major manufacturers of points, so that they have their technology adopted, but exactly when it will happen – nobody will tell us.

Of transparent glasses to sunglasses just one click away

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