Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New Storm eBike - electric bike for 499 USD

New Storm eBike - electric bike for 499 USD

Long wanted to buy an electric bike, but were afraid to excessively high prices? Now, to fulfill the dream much easier.

Help in this Storm eBike. The new vehicle will not be an irreparable disaster for the budget. The invention is worth only 499 dollars.

When compared to many competitors – not so expensive.

Of course, the platform is designed for undemanding and thrifty users. Professionals, it is unlikely to fit. Design Storm eBike not conquer the imagination, and there are no complex modules.

There, for example, the regenerative braking system.

The rest – the bike was a success. Its battery is charged in just 1.5 hours. Too lazy to wait? You can change in minutes dead battery to a full (spare).

New Storm eBike - electric bike for 499 USD

Resource pack has 80 km of track. The electric motor allows you to accelerate up to 32 km / h.

The main thing – there is no risk of losing mobility. If Storm eBike completely left without power, there are the usual pedal. Know yourself anyway – just like before.

“Bike” is suitable even for off-road. Authors of the project design equipped with massive wheels with solid tires. Excellent patency.

Now Indiegogo is to raise funds for the mass production of the prototype. The required amount is almost assembled, the release is not far off.

New Storm eBike - electric bike for 499 USD

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