Monday, February 9, 2015

Modern Robot Snake Monster can easily change the form for all needs

Modern Robot Snake Monster can easily change the form for all needs

Carnegie Mellon University (abbr. – CMU) has created a new robot, which has six legs. This creation is like a creepy spider, when the “go”, but for some reason it was called «Snake Monster». Not the best, perhaps, attractive features, but Snake Monster and is not intended to win any popularity contests or beauty among the robots. This mechanism was created as easily reconfigurable platform that uses a modular system architecture, the user can easily be programmed to control a robot in a diverse variety of configurations.

Designed and created approximately six months in the laboratory Howie Chozeta, lecturer at the Institute of Robotics CMU, Snake Monster, is claimed to be the precursor of a whole family of robots that will create in the future just using a modular system. Current work carried out on the various other modules in the laboratory includes the development and finalization of certain elements to feel the pressure of feet, wheels, which allow users to modify the basic structure for the disposal completely different robots that are suitable for a variety of sometimes conflicting objectives.

Modern Robot Snake Monster can easily change the form for all needs

“By creating a system that can be readily and easily reprogrammed regroup, we believe that we can build robots that are not only durable and flexible, but also inexpensive,” said Chozet, who led the team responsible for maintaining the development of a new robot. “We have the potential of modularity, which can significantly accelerate the development of traditional industrial robots, as well as all kinds of new robots.”

In laboratory Chozeta have already a history of creating mechanisms of this segment. They previously released prototypes and even working models of robots in the form of a snake, designed for all types of jobs from the inspection of nuclear power plants to study the internal cavities of patients who undergo surgery.

Modern Robot Snake Monster can easily change the form for all needs

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