Sunday, February 15, 2015

Microsoft has registered a trademark new Windows 365

Microsoft has registered a trademark new Windows 365

Remember how after the announcement of Windows 10 all surprised that somewhere has got to the ninth version of the operating system, and started to joke that the next update will call or Microsoft Windows One, or Windows 365? Here you go. Receive now.

Although seriously speaking, we are talking about something else entirely. Most likely, Microsoft finally decided to change the distribution system for Windows. Currently more and more frequent references to Windows as a Service. That is, Windows 365 includes a monthly or annual payments for the use of Windows. Such an analogy Office 365, where users pay a subscription and use Microsoft Office for a certain period of time.

Microsoft has registered a trademark new Windows 365

To date, we know for certain only that for a year after the official release of Windows 10 on it will be free to go with Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. What will happen at the expiration of this period, no one knows. But the version with a subscription to Windows 365 seems quite logical and acceptable. It is also interesting that the price has not been announced for Windows 10 for new users, but the truth, before the final version (late summer – early autumn 2015) More can all change several times.

Invitation to presentation of Microsoft, scheduled for March 2

Microsoft has registered a trademark new Windows 365

Something new about Windows 10 we already know at the MWC 2015, which this year will be held from 2 to 5 March in Barcelona. Although given the specificity of the exhibition, the presentation we can just show the new device range Lumia. In any event, invitations have been sent out. We can only wait. By the way, we can not exclude such a time that Microsoft simply decided to register a trade mark just like that, all of a sudden when it is useful.

Microsoft has registered a trademark new Windows 365

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