Wednesday, February 4, 2015

In its current form tablets are fewer interests of consumers

In its current form tablets are fewer interests of consumers

Analyst firm IDC released a report on the sales of tablet PCs in the fourth quarter of 2014. According to the information, all the major manufacturers there was a decline in sales. And indeed was a decrease in the market.

In particular, the share of Apple, which all these years has remained the market leader, declined to 28.1%, which is considerably lower compared with 33.1% in the fourth quarter of 2013. During the year the decline was an impressive 17.8%.

But not better things and such major manufacturers like Samsung, ASUS and Amazon. Positive dynamics is observed only in the Chinese company Lenovo, whose share increased by 9.1%. Not bad going sales and various small-scale producers, the total share of which increased by 36.2% and is now 46.2% of the market.

In general, the tablet market, “dipped” by 3.2%. As suggested by analysts from IDC on the example of the art Apple, this is due to the pressure of iPhone 6 Plus “from below” and miniature MacBook Air “from above.” That is, in its current form, the plates are fewer interested consumers who prefer to replace them with other devices.

In its current form tablets are fewer interests of consumers

But tablets too early to write off. After all, probably much anticipated iPad Air Plus (or iPad Pro) will offer consumers a really interesting opportunity. And if this is indeed the case, the tablet market is waiting for the next revival. IDC also believe that a role in the development of tablet market play and the Windows operating system 10, which should appear in the current year.

In its current form tablets are fewer interests of consumers

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