Thursday, January 15, 2015

Review columns Roksan Darius S1: The drama played

Review columns Roksan Darius S1: The drama played

Music fans will remember the experience with the original version of Roksan Darius. It was the first speaker company released back in the 80s: a strange-looking bookshelf speakers High-End-class with a suspended tweeter and a premier supply options unusual exoskeletal racks. With due attention they pleased owner magnificent, dynamic and straight sound. Fans of the original may be surprised to see how little is left in the construction of a new version of the original S1; but it seems that there is nothing wrong with that.

AC two-lane scheme remained. It includes high-quality aluminum ribbon tweeter (Aurum Cantus G2N) and a specially designed 13-inch midrange / woofer. Externally scary grille midrange / woofer serves only to protect the diffuser from damage.

Developers company had pretty tricky with a crossover to the integration of two such different emitters was the fullest. Judging by the quality of the components, it is clear that economic considerations were not among the priorities. Components for the tweeter and crossover mid / bass sections are placed on different boards in order to avoid unwanted interaction and connect with high-quality internal cables.

Stylish case from MDF with stiffeners boasts a rock-solid construction and finishes. We like the attention to detail – from the rounded edges to the recesses on the side panels. Thanks to them, the column looks much more interesting traditional counterparts. Housing rather narrow, but deep, which provides a large internal volume. On the rear panel, you can find a pair of reflex port and a set of WBT-connectors for dual-cable connection.

Ribbon tweeters sound wonderful, but very vulnerable

Darius S1 will work well with any of the uprights, but we recommend their own. They are not cheap ($ 1500), but look cool, ideally combined with the AU appearance and character, as well as equipped with a sound system of cabling. The combination of speakers and racks available in glossy black or white finish; both versions look just luxurious.

Should warn if you have kids, you need to constantly monitor so that they do not upset the column with a rack – due to the high center of gravity and small footprint make it very easy.

Any AC electronics requires a level comparable class and Roksan no exception. Their statements sensitivity is quite high – 89 dB, but because of the low resistance (4 ohms) requires a sufficiently powerful amplifier.

Review columns Roksan Darius S1: The drama played

Branded rack blends perfectly with the S1, but keep in mind that this design is easy to topple

In our reference system consisting of a network player Naim NDS / 555PS, turntable Clearaudio Innovation Wood and amplifier Bryston BP26 / 4B SST2, Darius S1 sound great.

They are particularly good when setting away from the walls. Spend a little time on the selection of the angle of rotation and the distance between the columns – and you get a luxury, superbly focused music scene, extending far beyond the edge of the speaker. Stereo image – a wide, deep, layered and incredibly accurate.

Neat notches on the sides look stylish

In Darius S1 an extremely pleasant sound: very smooth, with a tuned balance of attack, meticulousness and refinement. Most of the AU High End class focus on the analysis; the best of them allow you to disassemble the record to pieces and show the listener all its shortcomings. This in itself is great, but we want more. In the song Higher Ground we want to feel the power of Stevie Wonder in his best form and with all my heart to empathize with the emotional composition. Few people do it; Most speakers simply reproduce a lot of details, but are unable to pass the dynamic charge and the essence of the music. However, Darius managed to penetrate its very heart.

Even with a reflex port S1 is not opposed to the installation close to walls. High-quality terminals allow dual-cable connection

At the same time, listening to such complex and serious composition as Tabula Rasa by Arvo Pärt, we hope that we will capture the drama of the melody, and the growing tension will make you forget about everything. Darius S1 all do it to the fullest.

We are most delighted not even detailed sound, and the ability to organize the AU these details. Rhythm and dynamics are combined in their game with the study of the fine.

Racks are provided with slits on the top and bottom panels for cable

At a height of 38 cm column, by definition, are not designed for deep bass. Declared a lower limit of 47 Hz (-3 dB); many other speakers are capable of more.

However, do not drop them off due to lack of depth bass – bass weight and credibility are more than adequate compensation. When testing, we never had the feeling the lack of low-frequency component of the sound. Nizam inherent in the necessary density and texture; front and rear boundaries of the music precisely delineated.

Review columns Roksan Darius S1: The drama played

On this basis the sound is very nice and smooth the average range. We are delighted with the natural flow of vocals and harmony plexus bass and midrange. Clean, crisp and delicate RF complete the picture; and they are able to melodious ringing plates, and sharpness when necessary. The tonal balance is quite neutral, without any underscores frequency subband.

The company has always produced Roksan speakers, but they never attracted as much attention as its amplifiers, CD-players and even turntables. New Darius S1 good enough to change the situation.

Price: $ 6350 (including rack for $ 1500)

Rating: 5

PROS: Smooth and balanced sound; compelling midrange; dense and mobile LF; strong dynamics; rhythm; quality design

CONS: Branded rack road

VERDICT: Magnificent Darius S1 – one of the most perfect bookshelf speakers that we have met over the years

Review columns Roksan Darius S1: The drama played

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