Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Kraftwerk - portable and modern "gas" battery

Kraftwerk - portable and modern "gas" battery

All is well in portable batteries. They save when you need to – “enliven” Grounded gadgets away from an outlet. But, alas, lose energy themselves.

It does not matter when hiking conditions do not last long. And if you do not have access to the network a few days?

Help the new power supply Kraftwerk. Accessory quickly restores itself, and without sunlight, wind or fire. You only need a small gas cartridge (lighter refills, for example).

That’s great – the invention is ready for use instantly. Enough to supply the device due amount of “fuel”. The device is easily 11 times in a row will charge any iPhone. Connection is via USB. Port, unfortunately, only one.

Kraftwerk - portable and modern "gas" battery

Authors of the project a thumbs up taken care of protection. 200 gram battery is equipped with rugged aluminum, rubber and plastic.

Low and high temperatures is not afraid of Kraftwerk. It operates well in the range from minus 15 to plus 55 degrees Celsius.

Kraftwerk - portable and modern "gas" battery

The creators have already collected the necessary amount on Kickstarter for mass production. Home sales are expected early next year. Retail price – 149 US dollars.

Kraftwerk - portable and modern "gas" battery

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