Friday, January 16, 2015

Google Glass project was transferred to bail the company Nest

Google Glass project was transferred to bail the company Nest

Google Glass fate hung in the air throughout the second half of last year and we have not once discussed lull in ochkarikovskom field and the subsequent removal of the gadget from the game. But we all decided that they simply cease to develop and run so effectively startonuvshy project. Smart watches is much easier and more practical in all points. But Google’s leadership decided to do everything on his own.

Google decided to “release” the world of his glasses. Type of school as children are released, so Google gles are available from the incubator of experimental projects, Google +, the project Google Glass Explorer closes, and the gadget “moves” in good hands Tony Feydella, CEO of Nest. And the current head of the project Ivy Ross goes into subjection to Tony. For reference, Feydell – this is the guy who was in charge of the team that created the iPod, then built the most intelligent thermostat modernity and sold it to Google for $ 3.2 million. Judging by the words of Tony, he is excited about the prospect to work on such a cool product with such a man as Ivy.

Google Glass project was transferred to bail the company Nest

“Despite everything, I am fully committed to work on Nest, but also admire this project, which will grow and expand,” – said Tony Feydel. As reported by Fortune, the choice of candidates responsible for such high-profile projects, confirms the position of Farrell as a trustee of the General Counsel Larry Page.

Google Glass project was transferred to bail the company Nest

The project Google Glass Explorer is closed after two years of work. It is unclear what exactly want to change glasses: appearance, functionality, or both. No timetable and terms in the release of new products Google Glass is not. Nevertheless specifies that the output points from under the flap of Google is a positive sign and an indicator of commercial viability of the product, despite the fact that the public and developers like how to lose interest in the device. Google Glass will remain under the auspices of good, and will not go into full power to the Nest. What would happen if the developers and breathe thermostats and smoke detectors new life into the forgotten project, we will see this year. You have to bet on what will take off if Google Glass?

Google Glass project was transferred to bail the company Nest

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