Tuesday, January 20, 2015

BlackBerry could be a valuable acquisition for Samsung

BlackBerry could be a valuable acquisition for Samsung

Posts that Samsung offers for $ 7.5 billion. Buy the company BlackBerry possible only rumors, but such a deal would make sense for both parties.

About the alleged negotiations between top executives of the two companies reported agency Reuters, on that BlackBerry, and Samsung responded immediately refuted. But once mighty Canadian manufacturer of mobile devices, may indeed need the buyer, if he does not survive the current period of transition, and Samsung could draw a lot of benefits of BlackBerry security technology and its links to the corporate world.

“It’s easy to understand why the Samsung might find such a deal is very attractive,” – said Charles King, an analyst at Pund-It.

The main asset of this BlackBerry security and secure data centers in a number of countries. Trusting the reputation of high security devices BlackBerry, they are used by the US president and members of numerous government and military structures. In Samsung also paid tribute to the development BlackBerry, in November promising to allow the use of smartphones and tablets Galaxy platform BlackBerry Enterprise Server 12.

Association with Samsung would be consistent with the long-term strategy BlackBerry. Although the company is still selling smartphones in the future it plans to expand the business through software and services for businesses, said Avi Gringart, an analyst at Current Analysis. Most software BlackBerry products already support multiple platforms, including Android and iOS.

“Absolutely not be surprised if sooner or later completely stop selling BlackBerry smartphones,” – said Gringart. According to him, the development of the company in the field of mobile security, management and messaging could be a good addition to the Samsung smartphone platform and security Knox. In Samsung also could get Internet access is to a considerable number of large corporate clients that work with BlackBerry.

In addition, the BlackBerry is actively explore the market for Internet of Things, a high interest in that exhibit and Samsung. BlackBerry QNX operating system used in many cars, including infotainment platform, Ford Sync, as well as in industrial environments. As for Samsung, its development in the field of the Internet of Things is still mainly refers to the home technology.

But with the purchase of BlackBerry and associated risks. Has changed a lot in recent years, the company can not be of interest to customers with new software products and services with payment depending on the number of users, said Gringart.

According to King, the result of combining Samaung and BlackBerry may be more intense competition for mobile enterprise with the tandem of Apple and IBM. Under an agreement between the latest Apple mobile platforms used in conjunction with IBM applications and systems analysis of Big Data; for Apple objective of this partnership – the expansion of the number of corporate clients. This deal has already begun to bear fruit.

“Over time, I think, Apple and IBM will be able to start very effectively compete with BlackBerry», – the analyst added.

BlackBerry could be a valuable acquisition for Samsung

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