Saturday, December 27, 2014

How useful are smartwatch?

How useful are smartwatch?

Today, manufacturers began mass production of smartwatch: this area is not sufficiently developed, and the first steps have been made in this year. And I would like to note that for the first attempt turned out pretty good result. But does it make sense to bother about buying smartwatch?

Specific answer to give is hard enough, but let’s say at once – no, it is not necessary. And it has its reasons. First, let’s understand the meaning of hours for most people: it is primarily a mechanism that notifies you of the time, and most importantly to them – this time on a single battery. Many grew up in a time when mechanical clocks were quite popular, some wore them as a luxury item, while others – like gadget, for want of something bigger, but the rest – just as a clock, and in all cases (hours) to work on 1 to 5 or more years on a single battery; you can safely put on watch on your wrist and forget about them for 5 years.

How useful are smartwatch?

Now imagine that instead of the usual hours you have “smart”, for example, Moto 360. Yes, of course, they look very futuristic, but think about how much time you will lose out on a daily basis to charge your watch? Of course, we can say that we will not be difficult to charge and watch, because we are used to charge the phone, but the phone today – it’s a different device than before, now the smartphone – a “virtual passport” of man.

On the other hand, smartwatch is not just got a similar name, you can not compare them with normal hours, because it is a complete device that can notify you about the different messages to remind you anything, you can reply to a voice message, ie Watch also in place did not stand, especially last year. However, we do not argue that because of the daily hours of charging to take them makes no sense. It is a question of how the available features and functions outweigh the need for daily recharging; smartphones have long been performing every conceivable task, for which charge the device will not be difficult, but in the case of hours – is it worth the trouble yourself with this for the opportunity to respond to messages when with the same ease you can get the phone and answer a voice? And charging – this is only half the problem.

How useful are smartwatch?

The next thing to note is the lack of a permanent display backlight. Of course, this is a very subjective element, but one thing – smart phones, and another thing – the clock. People used to watch that you can look at any time and do not need to click on the different buttons just to see the time. This is not all, but most of them will work according to this principle is, as if they would be incorporated IPS-display wait constant illumination, in any case not necessary.

How useful are smartwatch?

Next time – is the protection of your data. After Edward Snowden declassified data about spying on users, many have become more attentive to his correspondence on the web and more. And what is the chance that your voice messages will not be heard, that at any moment not turn the microphone on the clock and starts to broadcast everything that you say? Yes, many people think it’s funny, but it is a serious topic, and smartwatch the dangers that are always near you, in your hand.

Concerning the functions, there is also still quite damp, the main your opportunity – to look at the clock, change the dials, watch and reply to messages, everything. On this date the entire list of the main functions of smartwatch stops. In any case, the situation will change in the future. I would also like to note the inability to use hours without a smartphone. There are people who will want to use smartwatch as an individual unit, not as an accessory to your smartphone, and it is also a considerable disadvantage. Manufacturers need to understand that the clock – is not an addition to the smartphone, is a complete unit, which as well as smartphone requires an individual.

How useful are smartwatch?

To summarize, let’s face it: smartwatch today are not so smart to be worthy of a daily charge. Technologically, they are also lagging far behind: at the start of sales of the same hang Moto 360 and the brake, the benefit of updates to somehow correct the situation. There are, of course, LG G Watch R, they are more technologically advanced and developed, but it’s the same functionality and charging interval of two days. Better? Yes, but this is not enough. The best solution for most users will be Pebble, because the charge holds weekly, which is not bad, but functionality is not inferior.

It should be noted, and the price that producers are asking for their watch. It ranges from 200-350 dollars, and it’s a lot, especially for the Russian market. Are you willing to pay 16,000 rubles for LG G Watch R? I do not think. However, I would like to know your point of view.

How useful are smartwatch?

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