Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Nokia N1: Android-tablet, which will save the Finnish company

Nokia N1: Android-tablet, which will save the Finnish company

Despite the fact that Microsoft has completely taken over the job of issuing Lumia smartphones, Nokia has returned to the market of portable electronics, announced the tablet operating system Android Lollipop.

The tablet is called Nokia N1 and at first glances very similar to the iPad Mini from Apple Company. The device has 7.9-inch screen with a resolution of 2048 x 1536, which is installed in an anodized aluminum frame.

Nokia N1: Android-tablet, which will save the Finnish company

The rear panel of Nokia N1 is an 8-megapixel camera, and the bottom between the speaker grilles located symmetrical connector USB C-Type, which can be connected to the cable by any party.

Nokia N1: Android-tablet

Nokia N1: Android-tablet, which will save the Finnish company

In the quad-core tablet installed Intel Atom Z3580 with a frequency of 2.4 GHz, which works in tandem with 2 gigs of RAM. Non-volatile memory in the gadget installed 32 GB.

Nokia N1: Android-tablet, which will save the Finnish company

Nokia N1 is running an operating system Android 5.0 Lollipop installed on top of the shell Z Launcher from Nokia. As we know, this launcher Finnish company develops for a long time, and it can be installed on any Android-smartphone from the store Google Play.

Nokia N1: Android-tablet, which will save the Finnish company

Nokia N1: Android-tablet, which will save the Finnish company

“We looked around and could not find a suitable tablet under Z Launcher. We have a beautiful shell, so why not create a device that would be such a simple, easy and elegant? “- Says Brooke Eaton, director of design Z Launcher at Nokia.

Resource TheVerge reports that for the production of the tablet, Nokia cooperates with Chinese factory Foxconn, which is also known by the fact that it is going to a lot of technology Apple.

Nokia N1: Android-tablet, which will save the Finnish company

In the sale of Nokia N1 will come at a price of approximately $ 249 in February 2015. Initially, Nokia plans to start selling in China, and after a while the device will reach store shelves in Europe.

Nokia N1: Android-tablet, which will save the Finnish company

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