Tuesday, November 18, 2014

In Android Lollipop found some nasty "bugs"

In Android Lollipop found some nasty "bugs"

As is often the case after a new operating system users start pretty quickly locate it in different kinds of errors and omissions. Android Lollipop in this regard is no exception, and the network has already appeared materials about some “bugs” of the new OS.

The first concerns the new carousel running applications. Initially, the user looks like all the applications from the list of running programs, and then closes it. If then reopen the list, then there can be seen a single application, despite the fact that the list should be empty. Such a situation could be repeated several times, and then Android is still close all running applications.

In Android Lollipop found some nasty “bugs”

As the resource phonearena, to see this error on your smartphone must be running a fairly large number of applications. In addition, the “bug” is independent of the device where it may occur.

The second mistake is a little more serious, and it is associated with a flashlight and camera applications. If you turn on a flashlight and let it run for a few minutes, then after a while the flashlight and camera do not work, and bring them back to life can only restart the device.

As you can see, the output Android Lollipop has not been without a few mistakes. Most likely, this is not the full list of “bugs” to be found in the near future, but we hope that the company will release a warning in advance and “patch” for all their mistakes.

In Android Lollipop found some nasty "bugs"

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