Sunday, November 2, 2014

For that you can love Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact?

For that you can love Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact?

Presentation of the latest Japanese manufacturer Sony tablet was held in early September, but the full launch of its global sales has not yet taken place. Nevertheless cherished date gets closer, and representatives of the company, which is natural to want to be reminded of this again. Draw attention to the new product today, it was decided with the help of infographics, which underlined the dignity of all Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact. What exactly do you mean? Let’s find out.

For that you can love Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact?

Despite the considerable number of tablet strengths, marketers Sony decided to focus only on three. However, each of them was supplemented with interesting facts, and therefore will have to be bored here hardly.

First in the queue dignity as probably already guessed connoisseurs of mobile technology, a record for both protected from water and dust devices thickness. It is only 6.4 millimeters. To illustrate such an important figure, it was decided to compare it with real objects. As it turned out, the thickness of the tablet is less than 8 credit cards, chocolate chip cookies and magazine Vogue. In addition, it is about 2 times smaller than the thickness of packaging Blue-ray-disc and 12 times thinner than a standard cake birthday.

Next topic was touched enviable mass unit, which, as reported by our colleagues from phonearena, is 270 grams. At first glance it seems to be something incredibly small, but nothing to compare this figure in real life?

For that you can love Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact?

Word Compact is part of the name of the tablet is quite true. Evidence of this statement is hamster, one cup of latte, two medium burger and two bananas. That’s right; the tablet Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact from Sony is easier for each of the above subject.

Finally, the clincher was the fact that the mass of the average woman’s handbag is 19 times greater than that of Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact.

The last-mentioned piece was the protection of the tablet according to the standard IP 68. Why is it necessary, may you ask? At least then, that damage every fifth phone today due to his accidental fall into the toilet, and three-quarters of UK residents do not leave their Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact even while taking a bath. Little did.

What relation to the tablet Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact formed you, dear readers? Tell us about it below.

For that you can love Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact?

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