Sunday, November 16, 2014

Flow - Continuity and now from Samsung

Flow - Continuity and now from Samsung

This year there are several major trends gadgets. Among them is clearly a wearable electronics, huge screens, water resistant, but it’s at hardware trends. And it was not left without their chips and software. And one of the most interesting and at the same time useful trend is to link the various devices and integration of work Flow indissoluble. The other day, its own implementation of the ideas presented by Samsung.

Previously, we have seen the implementation of a mechanism similar to Apple iOS and in conjunction OS X, as well as project Baton from NextBit, which provides similar functionality for Android. The latter has a chance to be preinstalled in the following versions of CyanogenMod, but the great popularity it is difficult to qualify.

Flow – Continuity and now from Samsung

Flow - Continuity and now from Samsung

But who knows how to do things popular, so it’s Samsung. The South Korean company produces almost everything from large to small TV and not very smart, and even smart hours. So why not combine the experience of using them together, engineers thought – and combined.

At its developer conference, Samsung introduced a project called Flow. It consists of three main components: Transfer, Defer and Notify. With the first application can transfer the content, or in the form in which they are, from one device to another. For example, you can open the article from your smartphone or tablet to talk on Skype through the first smart TV, and then switch to microwave smart watches.

Flow - Continuity and now from Samsung

Defer also allows you to save content and then open the specified device Flow, and Notify will be single-site notifications, showing important events or to report a low battery.

Flow - Continuity and now from Samsung

In many ways, this functionality combines applications such as AirDroid, Pushbullet or Pocket, which already exist for a long time, so shout that all stolen from Apple, perhaps, not worth it. Yes, and it is not very clear how much will be distributed Samsung Flow. Given recent experience dissemination Services Company, chances are that beyond Samsung devices he was not destined to go. And when all fully Flow appears until completely unclear.

Overall, I really like the trend. Combining Flow with all gadgets in one user experience may become the trigger that will start a new round of development gadgets. It is only necessary to teach the software to do it correctly, providing a good basis for development. And then everything will depend only on the imagination of developers. Hopefully, very soon, this functionality will become ubiquitous across all operating systems.

Flow - Continuity and now from Samsung

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