Monday, July 21, 2014

5 interesting facts about Android L

5 interesting facts about Android L

The main event in the life of every lover of the green robot took almost a month ago. This, naturally, is a presentation of the latest version of the operating system Android L , which is more than worthy to bear the title of revolutionary. The reasons for this lie not only in the visible changes , but also some of the innovations that have not been met in Android. What are they? Let’s find out.

Attention developers

As reported by our colleagues from phonearena, L is the first version of the operating system Android, available for preview developers. In other words, the creators of applications can now download the update, familiarize yourself with the new features and, most importantly, to optimize their products to work on the new version.

5 interesting facts about Android L

End users, which is the vast majority of us will be able to upgrade until the autumn. And then, just in case your smartphone is the flagship.

Neglect of letters Android L

These Android fans can easily list the names of all versions of the system, with the main features of which, incidentally, can be found here . However, for reasons not fully understood Google executives decided not to focus on the title word and replaced it with just a single letter – L.

Of course, many call it the abbreviation for the word «Lollipop», but no official confirmation that we have not heard.

Neglect figures

Furthermore, the last presentation Google I / O also been sounded and the sequence number of the versions. The most suitable options are 4.5 and 5.0, but we tend to favor the latter.

5 interesting facts about Android L

Attention to the design Android L

Many people wonder about the reason for the enormous attention to redesign Android L, which even managed to get a special name . All pretty obvious: in addition to radically new appearance, which is absolutely impossible to remain indifferent, material design is the first massive update after the release Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0. His presentation, we recall, took place three years ago.

New runtime Android L

One of the most significant features of Android L – Dalvik refusal in favor of ART, with the details of which we are already familiar . This will affect not only a significant increase in performance, but also improve autonomy.

And what new Android features are most important to you? Tell us about it below.

5 interesting facts about Android L

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