Friday, June 6, 2014

Should I change the Android on iOS?

Tim Cook left the stage hall Moscone West, where the conference WWDC-2014, once again dividing the world into two halves: those who found the new iOS a little less than perfect and others “innovation” kupertinovskoy team left untouched.

Yes, a lot of useful functions and services fall owners receive i-devices, but is it enough to change the favorite platform of Google? Moreover, that to demonstrate the superiority of iOS-world comparison is used with Android.

IOS 7 is installed on 89% of devices against 9% in KitKat – the numbers speak for themselves, the audience enthusiastically applauded.

Does it matter that, in contrast to the operating system created at Apple, many users of Jelly Bean, Gingerbread and their ilk are not forced to be updated by force ? They still have access to the most advanced applications of Google Play and not suing Google for regular reminders about updates . Do not like the interface – Take the opportunity to install a third-party launcher , change the firmware … I who preferred Android always have freedom of choice.

And if it would not be necessary to the average user, iOS developers never borrowed so much “trumps” platform from Google.

Tips on text input (and in Russian) seem to be taken for granted, the application store packed comfortable, stylish and original keyboards (one Fleksy is worth), useful and useless widgets . Manage voice assistant from the phrase «Hey Siri» Competitors have already been implemented – «Ok Google».

Tim Cook happily reported that during the last year of 130 million people who bought the first iPhone, many have migrated to Android. But worth to leave the operating system with a green robot if “innovation” are built on the other to provide similar functionality with the creation of Google ? What causes arguments “apple” of the army may make you prefer a smartphone from Apple?

He laughs best who laughs last – now move for Good Corporation.

Should I change the Android on iOS?

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