Sunday, June 1, 2014

In Google show notifications Android Wear, and HTC One Wear says goodbye to summer

Google a little late with its operating system for wearable electronics Android Wear, having five advantages . First smartwatch based on this OS resemble the first Android-plates. What they have in common? They dampish. However, maybe, by the time they become real debut with modified quite devices. Based on the new platform will appear more and more new miniature wearable Soup: in late summer or early fall in this market debuts and HTC.

Android Wear now looks promising. Primarily due to the spectacular Moto 360 hours, which will be launched in the coming months. Lead editor Zach Epstein BGR managed to get acquainted with the new platform closer. Google engineer shared images, which in all its glory appeared notification system Android Wear.

Notifications Android Wear easy to integrate with third-party applications

Google employee Timothy Jordan writes on page Android Developers Google+:

One of the components of Android Wear inspiring is that it extends the Android platform for a new generation of devices and works right out of the box, without any need to update your application. If your application notifications are enabled, they will work on your laptop devices.

It is not hard to imagine … how wonderful they are after a little refinement. Just a few lines of code will make your experience with a wearable device even richer by using stacks of pages and voice response capabilities.

Why is it so important notice? The fact that they are probably the main “smart” tool Smartwatch. Thanks to this tool, users of a new type of wearable devices are aware of the messages that came to their smartphone.

Resource CIO believes that Android Wear will succeed. Main reason for this is called the support of a number of operating system applications. Google is committed to making a simple task for developers to integrate their applications with smart clock.

Especially for developers who want to get acquainted with the new platform, the search giant created Android Wear Developer Preview. The project includes a set of tools and API (application programming interfaces) designed to optimize the generated notifications for application developers.

It is expected that the first models of smart hours running Android Wear become G Watch from LG Electronics, which can gain support SIM-card and Motorola Moto 360, details of which are always interesting to anyone who loves information technology and follows the news in this advanced field.

The academic year begins with smart watches from HTC

But this list of smart watches, which will be shown in 2014, is not exhausted. Yahoo News UK reports that the first SmartWatch HTC will be launched in late August or early September 2014. They will have a circular shape and get the name of HTC One Wear.

If the clock is not too late, then they just go out to the end of summer and early autumn, harvest pores. Just in time for the beginning of the school year at the most interested in high-tech audience, students.

One of the reviewers Taiwanese resource TK Tech News reports that he was able to get acquainted with the new clock and find out the details regarding the time of their announcement, the name and design.

HTC Chairman Cher Wang confirmed the earlier information about the company’s plans to develop a smart watch, but did not disclose details of how they will look, what the price will be and how to call a new watch. It merely noted that the novelty will appear in the second half of 2014.

HTC is on the list of key partners on the project Google Android Wear. From the message TK Tech News that One Wear may be implemented as a metal, and the polycarbonate blocks. That is, it is assumed that there will be two versions of smart hours. In an interview with Cher Wang said:

Many years ago we started looking for smart watches and wearable devices, but we believe that actually have the ability to solve the problems of batteries and LCD-backlight. Addressing these problems, it is important to consumers.

Will it be something wearable electronics market with access to a HTC? Hour or smart hours had not yet arrived, and they will use, as now, a very limited market?

In Google show notifications Android Wear, and HTC One Wear says goodbye to summer

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