Wednesday, June 25, 2014

And what to expect (and what not) from the Google I / O

And what to expect (and what not) from the Google I / O

Google I / O, as recently held WWDC from Apple, – this is a conference for developers. But the reality is that there are always some new product. This year, many relate to expectations of our favorite “green robot” that has captured most of the smartphones worldwide. But Android – it’s not all what to work at Google. Nevertheless, all the plans within a two-hour presentation on June 25 to tell physically impossible. Let’s see what has a better chance to be presented to the interested community.

Android Wear on the Google I / O

The first thing that comes to mind – is, of course, the operating system for handheld devices. Google has already released several videos for application developers, giving some idea of ​​how it will look. At Google I / O wait for the official acquaintance with “wearable Android». And, most likely, will meet on the example of a specific device.

There were many rumors that Moto 360, LG G Watch smart watches and even on Android Wear from Samsung will be represented exactly on Google I / O. So whether it will actually – find out very soon, but it is expected that the central part of the presentation will take still watch from LG.

In addition, previously reported in the company’s upcoming service Google Fit , competitor application for tracking health from other manufacturers. It is logical to assume that he is also associated with wearable devices.

Android L on the Google I / O

We can not say for sure whether to wait a new iteration of Android. On the one hand – Google has just released an update to 4.4.4 for Nexus-devices. On the other – to talk about what awaits us in the future, the company may still have.

Online, by the way, there was also a couple of screenshots with a modified login window in Google-account and a mysterious letter «L» in notifications. Recall that according to the logic of the current versions of titles Android, the next big update should take a name of a certain sweetness to the letter L. For example, Lollipop (lollipop).

And what to expect (and what not) from the Google I / O

Next Android should bring in significant changes in interface design, as well as bring “common denominator” of its kind in the web and Android-applications, for which, according to rumors, responsible project «Hera».

Auto-Android on the Google I / O

Until now, we have only Android pocket on the wrist or face. And something else heard of Android in the car . Most likely, it’s time for it and see. All signs point to a kind of system that enables you to control your smartphone from the dashboard. In short, Google’s response to Apple CarPlay. And let the best man win.

Google Glass on the Google I / O

Draft smart glasses never ceases to evolve . Not only in terms of software, but also as something that the user is to be worn on the face. To do this, Google even attracted designers.

But Google Glass time to step out of the “beta” and move to the official launch of the product, which will cost $ 1,500. It does not have to happen on the Google I / O, but the company should at least indicate, and what will be next.

Home Android on the Google I / O

Intelligent houses are increasingly interested not only ordinary people but also a variety of companies. And Google, of course, is one of them. Manufacturer of smart thermostats Nest, owned for some time now Google, acquired Dropcam, have been making smart cameras.

In addition, the search giant has bins Android @ Home – software for Android-based device as a controller for home appliances, which, however, can not hear anything for a long time.

Of course, we can hardly expect a turnkey solution from Google, but the interest of the company in this area will certainly have, and it is also their plans to share.


And what to expect (and what not) from the Google I / O

At Google+ came a difficult year. Vic Gundotra, the head of it, left the company, and even Google co-founder Sergey Brin said that he probably should have been less involved. In addition, this is the social network that everyone loves to find fault, thanks aggressive attempts to make it the basis of the entire ecosystem Google.

Nevertheless, Google+ has its loyal fans. Besides, there is in it, and such a wonderful plus, as photos, about the merits of which you may have read on our site. So it would be nice if at Google I / O told us what will happen with the social network in the future. But especially count on it is not necessary.

Android Silver on the Google I / O

Nexus product line gave us some really cool devices. But despite this, they can not be called truly massive. If the rumors about Android Silver met, it may change.

Support the idea of ​​Google’s flagship devices from other manufacturers with the latest version of Android and minimal superstructures over clean OS, can not be called a failure. But it is rumored that this is not necessary to wait until next year, so that the announcement of this Google I / O seems premature.


Number of crazy projects in reserve Google unprepared listener can greatly impress and maybe even scare. This modular smartphone Ara Project , and the plate, building 3D-map of the area, Project Tango , and Google Glass, carrying the computer straight to your nose, and Project Loon, internet spreading across the globe with the help of balloons, and Project Calico, aimed the fact to cheat death, and finally a car that moves without a driver. And that’s just what we know.

In addition, Google likes to surprise us. Perhaps we are waiting for new Chromebook Pixel or Chromecast. So watch will definitely be on that.

And what to expect (and what not) from the Google I / O

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