Sunday, June 15, 2014

All new Google I / O in one place

A real fan of the Android operating system knows what is really remarkable in June this year. No, it is not a world championship in football, you can watch using a specific application , or, God forbid, developer conference WWDC from Apple. Since that naturally has an event called Google I / O, in which representatives from the search giant will show new products and interesting solutions. Number of the last will be large, and therefore keep track of each of them will be quite difficult. However, out of this situation is still there. What? Let’s find out.

On the eve of the store Google Play added another proprietary application . Finally, as you probably already guessed, affects the impending conference, it is clear that on the basis of its name. So, what features of a program Google I / O 2014?

The first and, concurrently, the main advantage of the application is the ability to demonstrate what is happening in San Francisco live. Accordingly, see the new version of the operating system with a green robot inside and other expected trends among the first to succeed.

Acquainted with the program two-day conference will help main menu, which is divided into topics. Initial page design resembles a “tiled” interface of Windows, but this does not complicate navigation. To find the desired entry will have no difficulty.

Those who for some reason missed last year’s presentation of Android 4.4 KitKat or long demonstration of the Google Glass, can catch up in the library of videos. This feature, however, is suitable for repeated viewing favorite moments.


Do not forget about the most important components of the upcoming presentation will help special tab “My Schedule” and a reminder in the calendar, which can be added directly from the application. In addition, Google I / O 2014 has desktop widgets. The task of the latter, which of course, is a reminder of the marked points of the presentation.

The application is absolutely free. You can download it here .

And what do you expect from the conference Google you most? Enter the answer in the comments under this article.

All new Google I / O in one place

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