Monday, May 26, 2014

Nokia X2: Windows Phone or Android?

Not so long ago the world learned about the possible emergence of an heir Nokia X – device has been tested in the benchmark Antutu, but in the pages of the Chinese blog Baidu Tieba found and render the front of the smartphone. But derived from “leaks” information has only led to more questions: Why Android gadget on the second touch key under the screen? Than justified updated design trends? What motive force Microsoft to work on the machine with a green robot on board?

Anonymous is rapidly gaining momentum in the social network «Secret» told the public that the Nokia X2 will support two operating systems: Android and Windows Phone. Moreover, unlike its predecessor, which was positioned as Nokia only applications on the platform of Google, X2 will have official access to the Market Play.

Of course, the information may remain in the category of rumors and speculation, but it is absurd idea as it may seem?

Earlier this year, Microsoft insiders media reported that the company plans to compete with Google’s platform by installing Windows Phone as an alternative OS. The list of potential partners were listed HTC and known in emerging markets Karbonn. Taiwanese vendor later denied the likelihood of creating two smartphone operating system, but the idea is still in the air. Now, when the legendary Nokia brand has become part of the “Evil Corporation” that can prevent Satya Nadella implement sinister plans to promote its own operating system for mobile devices?

If we assume the truth of the post published in Secret, possible appearance of Nokia X2 seems logical: body, though cobbled together from two halves colored opaque plastic and a second key with a recognizable logo emphasize the dual nature of the gadget.

Enough to provide an overview on such a device, which would find the difference in speed performance systems (in favor of WP, of course) and it becomes obvious that the best advertising for a young “tiled” OS and think hard. Only here until this is all theory, but whether Microsoft will be able to bring venture in life and it will bring fruit? Share your opinion in the comments.

Nokia X2: Windows Phone or Android?

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