Thursday, May 22, 2014

Google once again prevailed over Apple

Major battles in the world of mobile technology traditionally occur between fans companies Google and Apple. Invent arguments for the continuation of verbal bouts can be infinite: for example, continue to restrict the right of holders of units of expression own devices, while Google allows children to spend their parents’ money on in-game purchases. Obviously, a winner in such discussions fail, and why it is worth, as they say, to move from words to deeds. Managed to do it the creator of our favorite operating system Android: Google is now the most expensive brand in the world.

First of all, it is worth noting that outperform “apple” competitors have to search giant is no stranger. According to the results of the past year, Google has managed to become the most mentioned brand in the vast World Wide Web. However, it is absolutely clear that the value of the aforementioned victory pales against the backdrop of today’s news.

According to a study known American company Millward Brown, Google finally managed to get a palm in the ranking of the most expensive brands. In the past year, we recall, was the race leader manufacturer iPhone .

Currently Apple is estimated at 147 billion dollars, while the value of the brand Google is 158 billion dollars. Obviously, this figure has nothing to do with a market capitalization of notorious companies. As a basis for the calculations were selected financial indicators associated with the projected number of sales of devices in the near future, and the level of customer loyalty.

In comparison with the previous period, Google managed to grow by as much as 40 percent, while Apple’s share fell to 20 percent.

Vice president of Millward Brown Oscar Yuan emphasizes that for many years, Apple was one of the most innovative companies. Whatever it was, the recent device with an apple on the back of the steel more like evolution than revolution. That this was the reason for the decline in brand value.

Google, by contrast, is not afraid to take risks. Get at least a self-governing vehicles, wearable devices, Project Loon and Google Glass – they do not just complement the mobile device market, and dramatically change its rules.

Will Apple regain its former position? Tell us about it in the comments.

Google once again prevailed over Apple

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