Sundar Pichai, who heads the division of Android at Google, a little talk with reporters about the next generation of Nexus-smartphones. According to him, the device will be presented in the second half. This makes sense, because the Nexus 5 is still a great phone with the relevant characteristics and, moreover, recently introduced a new color scheme. But who will collect for new customers “google phone”?
Sundar said, will be named as the new model, it would be logical to assume that the Nexus 6. But from another perspective, the figure in the title does not mean generation device and screen size. This gives birth to two schools of thought: either Nexus smartphone will be called in May 2014, we are waiting for either a 6-inch smartphone. But personally, I’m still inclined to name Nexus 6 c normal, in the modern sense, the diagonal.
As for the manufacturer, our colleagues from Gizmodo received a message from his sources that they will be LG. If you believe this source, Nexus 6 is a lightweight version yet unannounced LG G3, the representation of which the general public is expected in June. The new flagship of LG, according to rumors, will screen with a resolution QuadHD (1.44 thousand x 2 560 pixels), 64-bit processor and 16 megapixel camera. We can not say for sure what is meant for the Nexus 6 under the lightweight version, but we tend to assume that this applies to the design rather than performance smartphone from corporations good.
Once Google bought Motorola , it was quite logical to assume that she wants to produce their own devices. Motorola then moved to Lenovo, and it also gave rise to some of the rumors about the next Producer Nexus’ov. But in the end, who can be better than a partner, time-tested, and most importantly – deal? Nexus Nexus 4 and 5 released from the conveyor LG, undoubtedly became hits devices. So why such a good break the tradition? By the way, according to information from the same source, the South Korean company will also manufacture and smart Nexus-hours. Perhaps we will show both devices already on the Google I / O
On the other hand, Google is no one cooperated in the production Nexus’ov two more times, and it all just rumors. Is LG will be an exception?
Who is the producer Nexus 6
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