Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Apple needs more frequent updates iPhone, says the head of Sony


Exhibition Mobile World Congress (MWC) has left a lot of impressions and topics for discussion. It’s not just about the products presented, but also high-profile statements of various authority figures. Google spokesman acknowledged vulnerability Android, but the head of Sony condemned the policy of the company Apple, which does not accept and participate in this annual event.

In an interview with Inquirer Pierre Perron, president of Sony’s mobile division in north-western Europe, said that technology is moving too fast, which causes aging smartphone within a few months, Apple iPhone should update more often. Here is a clipping from Inquirer:

Head of Sony Mobile, Pierre Perron, in an interview at the MWC said that updating their phones once a year, Apple reserves its customers without the technologies that they could buy.

As an example, Perron has led a growing network in the UK 4G. “We definitely do not want to lose sight of the fact that the British were increasingly using 4G”, – he said.

“We must be sure that meets the requirements of those users who are ready to get the latest technology and new experience, and at least in this Apple is lagging behind.”

Breakthroughs in various areas of the modern world of technology do happen more than once a year. But suffer if users iPhone, which do not receive a smartphone with a new feature as soon as she appears on the horizon? In my opinion, if that suffers in this case, only the quality of the product. We are used to update the smartphone every 1-2 years and receive a product that has been reworked for the year to a state close to the ideal.

And what does Sony Mobile? Buying their Xperia smartphone lineup , you can be sure that it will take 2-3 months, and will be a new model in which the improvements will be minimal, but it will be more modern, and your device immediately fall in price. Whether it pleases smartphone users Sony? Do they update their smartphones more often than we update the iPhone? Of course not.

Global shipments of smart phones from Sony make up only 5% of the market, while the iPhone shipments occupy 20%. Perhaps, Apple should learn from the Japanese company producing TV or audio, but still not caught up with Xperia iPhone sales unlikely Sony can offer valuable advice on policy updates smartphones.

Apple needs more frequent updates iPhone, says the head of Sony

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