Well known is the fact that the absolute leader among other smartphone operating systems is our favorite Android . Toward the end of 2013 its share exceeded 80 percent, and then, of course, there is a huge amount of reasons. To similar and include adequate cost , and the wide variety of models available, and probably a huge opportunity to personalize . Despite this popularity, the leader in the world of tablets, until recently, remained a kupertinovskaya, Apple with its iPad. Whatever it was, a recent study by Gartner confirmed the triumph of justice from henceforth: the gap between Android and iOS-plates is more than 25 percent.
In order to know the number of units sold, not necessarily to attach men in black coat, hat and glasses for every potential buyer. Share data for analysis of a system is more than enough. It could be data on the number of activated devices, records maintained on the basis of shopping applications Google Play, and information about how shipped and sold plates. Benefit from one of these options, the representatives decided by Gartner, as a result of the study which found one interesting detail.
Totals can not please the loyal fans of the green robot inside. It turned out that the share of Android tablets from 2012 to 2013 rose from 45.8 to 61.9 percent, respectively.
And if at the end of 2012 to talk about leadership Android was early (iPad held 52.8 percent of the market), but now people who are not alien to the concept «root» and «open source» have the full right to open the champagne. By the way, at the end of last year the share of iOS-tablet dropped to 36 percent. Impossible luck.
As stated by our colleagues from androidcommunity.com, a similar trend was triggered by two factors. First, there was a rise in popularity of cheap devices with display compact size (about 7 inches), and secondly, the growing popularity of tablets as a category as a whole.
The fact that last year the number of tablet computers sold grown in half, respectively, and increased the number of people testing the first representatives of this category in themselves. In other words, many beginners world of mobile technology was selected as the first tablet device is on Android.
It seems that the expansion of Google continues. It is likely that Android will soon become a leader in several other categories of devices. Suitable for such a role, not only cars, but also, for example, coffee tables.
Android-Tablets on horseback
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