Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Woz - source of future Apple?


Most recently, Steve Wozniak in his interview for the magazine WIRED expressed the idea of issuing Apple-smartphone running Android. Six months before he’s seen the future of the company to create a special version for the Chinese market. Mankind has long been accustomed to the odious ideas geniuses and perceives them seriously. But what if in fact those who laugh – use these ideas surreptitiously modify them and produce for their own?

Any company, whether startup or discreet international Mahina, when developing their products in advance plans and measures the demand of consumers. Naturally “apple” monster is no exception. And you can try to persuade as many that some software solutions for a long time kept in laboratories Apple, but they were implemented after the success of Android. This is by no means bad, borrowing other people’s decisions existed in any period of science. Recall, for radio. Hertz invented transmitter Popov using existing principle – receiver Marconi – joined them in a couple (actually, everything is much better Tesla did, but it’s not about that).

What are the trends of development of iPhone, and you can see right now? News was the first integration into Twitter. Starting socialization and use the smartphone not merely as a number – the tube has outlived its, not just as a client for mail (Blackberry) or internet access (Communicators Chinese brands, remember everywhere greeted Glofish). No, now serves as a smart phone in a new way – communication through social networks. To succeed it is necessary to simplify the interaction interface, because third-party developers with access to the API, the market is full. Here the advantage is a closed system – add buttons sharing’a itself can only Apple, sew application system – also to them. Against this background, surprised by the position on Google sawing client Youtube. Pluses are obvious – more flexible updates, there are no restrictions and depending on the competitor. Cons – comfort and fame. Even among my pretty multimedia circle of friends, there are those who are too lazy to download a separate program, and easier to type in a search engine. As a result, in the first place is not always a service from Google.

Integration of the new video service in iOS 7 also adds Youtube popularity. If at the end of 2012 Vimeo already shown good results, after integration with Apple performance skyrocketed.

End of 2012.
• 37% of users have registered in 2012. There are about 14 million profiles.
• September 23, 2012 was loaded with fifty videos.
• More than 3.2 petabytes of data uploaded in 2012. More than 200 petabytes of video is lost for the entire year.

December 2013.
• 100 million unique visitors per month.
• 22 million registered users.
• 15% of visitors came from mobile devices.

And then there’s the situation changed dramatically, now “apple” the manufacturer does not skimp on minor updates, modifying or correcting one program there may be cost and extend the license. 


Who sits sots.setyah? Correctly, youth. What he wants young people? Correctly allocated. I still remember those indignant shouts when schools tried to introduce a mandatory form. “But what about our self-expression?”, “Miserable gray clothes,” “return of socialism, one size fits all” – and in fact just recently got iPhones third color. So why not release the youth version – so to speak, «kids edition». Colored panels, fun holey blankets, colored iPod touch with strap – a real teenage style.

Logical, mature solutions visionary company. Now let us remember the words of Steve’s number 2, the first year say not – “I love the iPhone, but Android steeper do in android.” «Apple + Google = innovation.” And do what? You read somewhere specific requests? Perhaps this notification center, skillfully reinterpreted on iOS 5? Or the control center, which appeared after two years of waiting, in iOS 7. Of course it is unlikely, but then these are the bugs and freezes, wherewith famous system of robotofilov. After all, they settled in the last update. I would not want to guess or to prophesy, but I look forward to when it all back into place, and then adjusted the release of a stable system without small update (7.0.5 came out last?). Suffer only because of the words that the system is written from scratch, the 64 bits.

If you criticize, then wait and hope for the best. That we do not care, can hardly cause a reaction evaluation and attempts to give advice. Steve Wozniak – the engineer who invented many amazing gadgets. And top management hardly understands that in terms of its technological development tips are very expensive. Sales and marketing – it is not something on which specializes co-founder of Apple, so advice on the Chinese model passed. But his sympathies regarding the functions of Android, apparently hurt Craig Federighi, iOS 7 and turned such as we see it. What will happen next? Watching the Woz attending events Chinese Xiaomi, which is a clone of Apple, and look forward to his new councils, followed by a reaction in the form of new products or software solutions.

Woz - source of future Apple?

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