Sunday, February 2, 2014

[Rumors] PayPal payment system will be part of Apple

Popular payment service PayPal wants to help Apple with the development of mobile payment system, which presumably Corporation will release later this year. This was reported by MacRumors, citing sources portal Re / code.

Rumored to be in the moment between the two companies actively negotiating to integrate certain technologies PayPal payment system with Apple. For example, in Cupertino can use a special algorithm for fraud detection with money or even borrow from the PayPal payment processing technology. Apple has still new to this market, and without the help of an experienced player in the early stages it is clearly not enough.

Nevertheless Re / code argues that Apple could cope without professional help PayPal, it is true then to develop mobile payment system she take much longer. At the same time, it does not necessarily attract PayPal directly to the creation of services – can restrict cooperation on favorable conditions for both sides.

The main instrument of the new payment system will be, you guessed it, iPhone, but not necessarily the current generation. According to experts, for the most effective operation of the service Apple will equip its smartphone technology NFC, which has no support in the iPhone 5s. But the device without any problems associated with sensors iBeacon using Bluetooth. The latter, in turn, continue to gain retailers .

Also recently became aware of the secret plans about Apple fingerprint scanner Touch ID in iPhone 5s. At a conference on property quarterly results Tim Cook blurted that the scope of mobile payments has become one of the main causes of Touch ID. It would be interesting to pay for purchases in the same supermarket, just leaning finger on the button Home. No pin codes or paintings on ten checks.

PayPal service was founded in 1998, and with the development of mobile technology has made a significant step forward. For example, the company released a portable credit card reader for iPhone and iPad, which is inserted into the headphone jack.

I’m sure by the end of this year we are already able to observe at least the first fruits of cooperation Apple and PayPal.

[Rumors] PayPal payment system will be part of Apple

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