Thursday, February 6, 2014

Pebble got its app store

Manufacturers are well aware that the potential is huge and wearable electronics depends on the capabilities of the software for a particular product. Creators Pebble, inexpensive smart hours , also pay attention to this aspect: now the owners of a stylish and functional accessory receive their own application store for Android and iOS.

Pebble Appstore: a step forward

Since the release of the first generation of the hours passed Pebble year – enough to strengthen its position in the market of portable gadgets. It is small: create your own ecosystem of applications, Blackjack and ladies , That is a full-fledged store software. 


Since friendly Pebble able to communicate with devices on Android and iOS, required 2 store. In the “apple” Market Pebble Appstore already fully functioning even having to upgrade, while the owners of devices on the operating system from Google will be able to acquire new games, widgets and other vsyachinkoy for their hours later. But the output beta version for developers acquaintance, has already taken place .

In both cases, application infrastructure involves the separation by topic: “Games”, “Fitness”, “Tools”, “Management”, “alert” and “Daily.” It should be noted that not all content is presented free of charge.

Will smart watch from Pebble more desirable purchase now that have their own app store?

Pebble got its app store

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